Teaching Unprepared Students part II

I was thinking how much books on teaching differ depending on whether they are geared toward the University/small college market vs. the community college market.  You can debate whether to accept or not accept late papers in the University market because most of your student population is significantly different from the community college market. Gabriel, in Teaching Unprepared Students, says "DONT DO IT!" because it enables students who need you to hold them responsible.  In contrast, Brookfield, in the Skillful teacher, suggests that such a move is not only unnecessary but it suggests that you are being mean and controlling.

Gabriel suggests the following website for learning style questionnaires for students. I struggle with these ideas because there just isn't time to add so much stuff to the class!  But I guess you could suggest students check it out on their own. Index of learning styles inventory

Good tool for concept mapping but impossible to save on your own computer unless you upgrade, bubbl.us


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