Linked data for the beginning MLIS Student

I'm going to try to collect Linked data resources here that relate to libraries. This includes Bibframe, RDA, RDF, Sparql, XML, etc. I'm not sure what organizational structure will work best, so for now I'm just going to do something like an annotated bib. If it seems like I have enough resources, I'll try to organize it into useful categories.

Quick note on the players: Bibframe (BF) a metadata framework replacement for MARC, was produced by Zepheira at the request of the Library of Congress as a response to Library frustration that their collections were not accessible through web searching. Bibframe uses RDF triples to create records from formalized descriptions of Work, Instance and Event.

UPDATE: So, Blockchain. . . I've been doing some reading on Blockchain and its relation to Linked Data (Web 3.0?). Still a new area for me, but wanted to introduce it. See brief bibliography of resources on this topic below.

What is an RDF triple? Simply put, a triple connects two subjects with a verb (or predicate). Each part of a "triple" is a "node". A set of such triples is called an "RDF Graph" and indicates that something has a particular kind of relationship with something else. Each part of the triple will have a URI (which is just a URL link). If you were to click on one of the links you would go to that "thing" on the internet.
(see this essay by Tennet for an example). (Note that OCLC has one kind of linked data ( that is at least marginally different from Library of Congress BF--see intro to BF for more info).

Start here for an introduction:
  1. Intro to BIBFRAME on this website
  2. From MARC to BF, a series of free webinars for those seeking an understanding of how the process of transforming is occurring 
  3. Never heard of linked data? Start with this very simple video: 
  4. This is one of the "seminal" texts coming from Heath and Bizer who were in at the beginning of linked data (2011), Linked Data: Evolving the Web into a Global Data Space,
  5. Tim Berners-Lee website on linked data (2009)
  6. Linked data for the cataloger in a nutshell (no date on this though), Thomas Meehan, Introduction to Linked Data,
  7. State of the LOD 2014 

Start here for update and reviews on how things are progressing:

  1. Baus, E. (2016). New and Next: A review of Bibframe update sessions from NISO and ALA. Retrieved from useful hour long slide show summarizing Bibframe sessions from the recent online NISO and the Summer ALA. Great for a quick snapshot of what's going on in this area as of June 2016.
  2. BF list serve you can read information about events, upcoming conferences, papers, books
  3. YouTube video (2015) from UC Davis about Linked Data in the library workflow ecosystem. Discussion about how to segue from the current library environment to linked data. 
  4. Slide show about progress of Bibframe from Library of Congress (similar to You Tube Video above, but in slide show form)
  5. YouTube video Link Before you Run: Prerequisites to Linked Data. In depth explanation of why search engines cannot read most metadata (including Dublin Core).

Want to get involved?
  1. Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC). Retrieved from The PCC is a cooperative agency run by its members. Members contribute bibliographic records and data under BIBCO, CONSER, NACO, SACO. They work with RDA and Bibframe. They have a training portal, The Cataloger's learning workshop

Read More About It:

  1. For a history of the transition from MARC to BF, Roy Tennant's "MARC Must Die" is probably the seminal read. 
  2. Gonzales, B. M. (2014). Linking libraries to the web: linked data and the future of the bibliographic record. Information Technology and Libraries (Online), 33(4), 10. Good introduction to linked data and Bibframe.
  3. Vimr, K. (2016). What's Google got to do with it?: Linked data transforms library catalog searching. (NLW16). 365 McIlroy. Retrieved from
  4. 2015 NMC Horizon Report Library, pp. 42 "Semantic Web and linked Data". 2-page summary of linked data and the semantic web.
  5. Slideshow links for Canadian Linked Data Summit 2016
  6. ALA's Library Technology Report 52.5 (2016) is focused on linked data and the semantic web. Anyone can read the introduction, but you may have to be a member of ALA (or have access to the report through your library) to read the full report
  7. Excellent discussion of XML and RDF 
  8. Current look at the field, Petkova, T. (March 17, 2017). "Linked data for libraries: Our new librarians." Retrieved from  
  9. MARC to BF, Godby, C., Smith-Yoshimura, K. (2016) "From records to things: Managing the transition from legacy library metadata to linked data." Bulletin of the Association for Information Science and Technology. DOI 10.1002/bul2.2017.1720430209. 
  10. Linked Data for Libraries, Archives and Museums, and their website, 

Openness and Copyright issues
  1. Europeana Data Exchange Agreement regulates members by requiring providers to allow their data to be published under Creative Commons Public Domain Declaration so that all the artifacts included also include a copyright statement

Actual applications of BF

  1. RDA and Bibframe, this chart from the University of Washington shows how Bibframe will actually be used in the bibliographic record and its relation to RDA.
  2. Libhub  Focuses on BF to help libraries increase visibility
  3. Library.Link Network  Consortium of libraries increasing library visibility through the use of semantic data.
  4. ID.LOC.Gov Linked Data Service, search the Library of Congress linked data
  5. Linked Open Data in Libraries, Archives and Museums (LODLAM) (Unfortunately, nothing new has been posted here since Feb. 2016)
  6. VIAF Virtual International Authority File, started in 2002 and is currently the most used linked data source for libraries
  7. Wikidata, editable database
  9. LD4L
  10. LD4P
Collections that use BF
  1. Institute for the Study of the Ancient World (ISAW) with their coin collection
  2. International Institute of Social History with data trends in national labor conflicts
  3. AGRIS developed by Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations
  4. Germany National Library is building a linked data service
  5. French National Library
  6. UNLV linked open data project
  7. Getty
  8. OCLC
Already comfortable with coding and data?

Linked data
Rules (According to Tim Berners-Lee):
1. Everything needs an HTTP name
2. Data should come back in a standard format and be useful
3. Data should be in interesting relationships

  1. website is a depository for all kinds of linked data information including tutorials
  2. Tim Berners-Lee 17 minute enthusiastic TED talk why we want to share our data through linked data. Explains why data is different from documents: data can be manipulated and used in all kinds of different ways; documents are static

What is blockchain
Programmable Blockchain in context
Blockchains and libraries
Horizon Report
Ugarte, R. (2017, June 1). A more pragmatic Web 3.0: Linked Blockchain Data. Retrieved from

  1. Euclid: educational curriculum for the usage of linked data 
  2. Linked Open Data training videos with LODLAM (2014)
  3. An Introduction to Linked Open Data (slide show, 2014)
  4. An Introduction to Semantic web and linked data (slide show, 2014)
  5. Learn RDF at Cambridge Semantics 
  6. Learn RDF and OWL at Cambridge Semantics 
  7. Learn Sparql 1.1 (2011)
  8. Step by step written tutorial on getting started with linked data, 
  9. Slide show that takes you through the process of creating knowledge webs using linked data and publishing them, 
  10. Library Juice offers a variety of different classes related to linked data
  11. provides a linked data and semantic web primer
    1. Tim Berners Lee Ted talk
    2. Introduction to graph databases
    3. RDF
    4. Semantic modeling
    5. Introduction to RDFS & OWL
    6. Querying Semantic Data

Explains linked data, Bibframe and Google.

Library of Congress (if you want the current state of affairs always look for the latest date because this stuff changes fast)
Webcasts & Presentations
Bibframe Implementation and Testbed 
Bibframe tools and downloads
Bibframe listserve (you can join this for updates)
Bibframe update forum

History of the Semantic Web
Tim Berners-Lee

Other Concepts related to BF

  1. vocabulary for describing things on the web; supported by the major search engines
  2. GitHub
  3. Ruby on Rails
  4. OntoMaton
  5. LinkedUp Project
  6. DBPedia
  7. Ontology: A guide to creating your first ontology
  8. Bibflow
  9. Scholarly Research Semantic Information Store (SRSIS)
  10. Cornell's Vivo project
  11. Virtual International Authority File, created by OCLC, VIAF is pretty much the definitive semantic web identifier for people
  12. RDA registry:
  13. Open Metadata registry
  14. Hackathons like Cervathon and Janeathons


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